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Hyacinth - Hyacinthus

Hyacinth is a fragrant bulb which is available in white, yellow, orange, pink, red, lavender, blue and purple. Hyacinths thrive in humus soil and should be planted in sun or light shade. Plant your Hyacinth bulbs in September. Hyacinths attain a height of approximately six inches and these pretty bulbs bloom in May.

The image below depicts Roman Hyacinths to the left and Dutch Hyacinths to the right. The Roman Hyacinths flowers are not as dense as the Dutch Hyacinths but their shape and color range create a dramatic display.


They may be used for indoor plants and I suggest purchasing the Dutch Hyacinths. They are beautifully shaped on a single spike with blooms that resemble little stars and their growth is upright and compact. They look neat and well manicured in any garden bed and I truly enjoy seeing them bloom each spring. Sometimes they peak through the soil and bloom prior to May depending upon the temperatures but I have gazed around the gardens and observed their wonderful blooms as early as April.

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