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You can create a work of art in your garden using colorful annuals. For urns, hanging baskets, patio planters and small containers, they are the perfect choice. They will adorn your surroundings with splashes of color. With annuals you can choose different plants each year thus giving your gardens a totally different color and texture scheme. The beginner can start with annuals and learn about the beauty and rewards of gardening.

Annuals provide season long color and interest to any garden setting. The hanging baskets filled with annuals, the urns brimming with annuals and annuals peppered throughout gardens create an entirely different atmosphere. With three hanging baskets of Petunias and New Guinea Impatiens, two planters with Coleus, one urn with Variegated Geraniums and four patio planters with Begonias and Double Impatiens the entire back garden is filled with wonderful blooms and colorful foliage courtesy of the Coleus.

Annuals Planted in Garden

The photographs depict before and after pictures of annuals in my garden. The image below illustrates pretty foliage, well maintained lawns, healthy trees and shrubs but the entire garden lacks color.

Annuals Not Planted in Garden

However it is advisable to purchase perennials. The perennials while more costly initially, will be in your garden for years to come. The annuals are spent after one season. If you currently spend $200.00 per season on annuals try this tip for next season. Spend $100.00 on your annuals and spend the remaining $100.00 on perennials. This will allow your gardens the instant color burst of annuals and the permanence of perennials. You will also create more variety as the combination of annuals and perennials is unparalleled.

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Susan's Garden Patch             Toronto, Ontario  -  Canada
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