Ornamental Shrubs are vital to every garden. Flowering Shrubs provide blooms, color and look splendid in your garden beds. These wonderful specimens add fragrance, interest, texture, height, privacy and blend beautifully with annuals and perennials.
The difference between shrubs and trees is shrubs are multi-branching while trees possess a main trunk. Shrubs attain a height of approximately ten to twenty feet although you may prune to any desired height to accommodate your garden setting as depicted in the image below.
The shrubs in this garden include Hydrangeas which are located beside the urn with Geraniums, Purple Smoke Bush (Cotinus), Weigela, Spirea (Goldflame), Hydrangea and False Spirea (Sorbaria sorbifolia). These shrubs are mixed with annuals, perennials, cedars, ornamental trees and vines.
Evergreen Shrubs work well for privacy whereas Flowering Shrubs provide blooms and species such as the Dwarf Korean Lilac supplies an aromatic experience for every person that enters your garden. Some Flowering Shrubs such as the Daphne and Weigela have striking foliage which is variegated and the shrubs are sensational for the entire season. Shrubs are elegant and when carefully arranged enhance the entrance of your home.
In the image below I chose the Flowering Double Almond (Prunus glandulosa 'rosea plena'), Hydrangeas, Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) and a Dwarf Magnolia ('Susan'). The lush look of greenery is enhanced with annuals peppered throughout the area. For example under the Double Almond I planted several Begonias as the blooms are spent in early summer and the Begonias add season long color to the garden.
Aside from the Evergreen and Euonymus most shrubs are deciduous. What is deciduous? Deciduous means they shed their leaves for a portion of the year. In Ontario the leaves begin to fall from shrubs and trees in September and in spring the leaves return to the plant. Deciduous trees and shrubs lose all of their leaves during the winter. In other parts of the world shrubs lose their leaves during dry periods. Upon the arrival of warmer weather in Ontario the leaves begin to form and new foliage appears on your shrubs and trees.
The image below depicts a Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compacta'), Hydrangeas (Mopheads, Lacecaps, Pink and Blue), Spirea Little Princess (Spirea japonica), Variegated Euonymus, which provide greenery and flowers around the pool area. When you combine hanging baskets, perennials and crushed stone to the garden the result is a well manicured look with virtually little to no maintenance.
Most shrubs are easily grown requiring water during extremely dry periods, occasional pruning and fertilizer. Shrubs enhance your landscaping theme and when carefully selected add flowers, variegation, fragrance and interest to the garden setting.
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